(2018) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 24–35
Title of the article Electronic Criminal Case Concept in Ukraine
Doctor of Law, head, department of public prosecutors training in supervision over laws observance by agencies entrusted with operative and detective activities, inquiry and pre-trial investigation, Institute for Continuing Professional Development, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, stoleta@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4
Pages [24–35]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The author outlines the key provisions of the Electronic Criminal Case Concept in Ukraine (the Concept). The Concept is developed to meet the p. 5.12 of Ukraine Justice Sector Reform Strategy 2015–2020, approved by the Oder of the President of Ukraine on 20 May 2015 № 276/2015, on ensuring coordination between justice sector institutions and unity of data system.
The purpose of the article is to set the key aspects of the Electronic Criminal Case Concept in Ukraine.
For the first time the author offers the definition of electronic criminal case (e-case) – form of criminal procedure activity based on the composite algorithms of automated criminal procedure processes of the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations and integrated electronic data systems. Such criminal proceeding is managed electronically and is noted in official electronic procedure document.
It is noted that e-case is more expedient to carry out on the basis of the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations. This process involves 4 stages: 1) improvement of the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations; 2) involving an investigative judge in e-case; 3) involving all parties of the criminal proceeding in e-case using e-mail; 4) carrying out e-case procedures via personal accounts.
To implement the abovementioned, the following actions are to be taken: creation of legal framework; improvement of the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations; involving the parties to the criminal proceedings to e-case system; development of software; development of infrastructure; training on e-case application and maintenance.
Integrated e-case system consists of the following sub-systems: criminal proceeding e-file; criminal procedure documents templates; personal account; analytics and visualization; statistics; data security; coordination and planning.
Implementation of e-case aims at achieving the following positive results: simplification of pre-trial procedure, improvement of procedural control and supervision, budget saving, improvement of prosecution and pre-trial authorities quality of work.
Keywords electronic criminal case; integration; concept; stages of implementation; measures; software; subsystems; e-file; templates; personal account.
List of legal documents
1. Kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 13 kvitnia 2012 roku № 4651-VI. URL: (accessed: 20.11.2018) (in Ukrainian).
2. Pro Stratehiu reformuvannia sudoustroiu, sudochynstva ta sumizhnyh pravovykh instytutiv na 2015–2020 roky [On Ukraine Justice Sector Reform Strategy 2015–2020]: Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy [Oder of the President of Ukraine] vid 20 travnia 2015 roku № 276/2015]. URL: (accessed: 20.11.2018) (in Ukrainian).
Authored books
3. Stolitnii A, Elektronne kryminalne provadzhennia: peredumovy vynyknennia, suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku: monoh. [Electronic Criminal Case: the Preconditions for the Emergence, Current State and Prospects of Development: monogr.] (ArtEk 2016) 724 (in Ukrainian).
Journal articles
4. Stolitnii A, ‘Avtomatyzovanyi kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kontrol [‘Automated Criminal Procedural Control’] (2017) 3 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii prokuratury Ukrainy 92 (in Ukrainian).
5. Stolitnii A, ‘Vizualizatsiia u protsesualnii diialnosti v kryminalnomu provadzhenni [‘Visualization in Procedural Activities in Criminal Proceedings’] (2016) 3 Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoi akademii prokuratury Ukrainy 230–40 (in Ukrainian).